On Saturday, Nov. 3, Mike Hummel, Stuart Schurtz, and I rode the trails at Lebanon Hills Regional Park (http://www.co.dakota.mn.us/LeisureRecreation/Parks/LebanonHills/default.htm) in Eagan and Apple Valley, MN. The park is about 2,000 acres and borders the Minnesota Zoo. Stuart & Mike ride these trails pretty often, but it was a first for me. Saturday was a crisp, clear day without a cloud in the sky. We arrived at Lebanon Hills at about 9AM, and there were about a dozen vehicles already in the parking lot. We rode almost 6 miles of single track. The first half was moderate difficulty with constant switchbacks and a few obstacles - log piles, rock garden, etc. The trail reminds me of the Fish Hatchery Trail, the newest CAMBA trail in the Cable,Hayward, WI, area, although that trail has no obstacles. Midway on the Lebanon Hills trail, there were two choices. To the left was a log pile about 4 feet high. Stu & Mike knew there were many more large challenges following that, so I went to the right. That trail was much like the first half. Mike & Stu took off to the left, on the double black trail. Both had a few falls, but no injuries by the time we met back at the parking lot. Before we split up, Mike thought I should go with them. Back at the cars, he agreed it was probably a good idea that I went right when they went left.
This is a great MTB place. The trails are maintained and marked well. You know that you're on an urban MTB trail, as you can always hear traffic noise. In the winter, they have over two miles of groomed skate ski trails (http://www.co.dakota.mn.us/LeisureRecreation/Parks/LebanonHills/SkiSkateTrailhead.htm).
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