Thursday, April 16, 2009

RAGBRAI MUST begin to promote Safe Cycling in Iowa

I for one would like to call for a Boycott of RAGBRAI until they put some serious funding into promoting and support safe cycling in Iowa. I will continue my XXXV year Boycott until they do. Please join me and I hope Lance will too!

Sometime you need to follow the money to get the legislators attention.

email TJ at the RAGBRAI head office ( and let him know you want to see some serious financial support for cycle advocacy in this state out of them. It is long overdue. Paraphrasing myself, it can happen, it should happen, and don't let anyone tell you different. Even TJ.


Here is a great letter from Lane Anderson to the Madison County Attorney

Ms. Foresyth,

I'm not sure if it's being investigated as an assault with a deadly weapon or not, but, after hearing what happened from the witnesses this was not simply a case of illegal passing. To many times, drivers use their 3000 lb vehicles as weapons to intimidate cyclists. This time, the intimidation turned to assualt and needs to be prosecuted as such.

Drivers who swerve at cyclist or intentionally pass close (sometimes within 6 inches) to intimidate us, are threatening with a deadly weapon.

As cyclists, we know the risk of accidents on the open road, and accept that to ride. However, 1 person put in the ICU or killed by driver assualt is 1 too many.

This person needs to be made an example of. You can not harrass, intimidate, and run down a cyclist because you don't agree with the law or his right to use the roads.

Thank you,
Lane Anderson

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