Friday, August 29, 2008

The Iowa Criterium State Championships

The Iowa Criterium State Championships were held on August 23rd in Pella, Iowa. The course was a .6 mile rectangle with a few tight corners, one block climb and a down hill finish. Dave Delperdang started the morning off with 20 laps in the masters 50+. He rode great in the main pack until the last lap when someone took out his front wheel in the third corner causing a pile up leaving him with road rash and 7th place for his efforts. Next in line was Tim Putnam in the masters 40+ with 25 laps. This was a strong group and Tim came across the line in 13th. The last race of the day was the 35 lap Cat 4 race with Evan Peterson. Evan played at the front the front of the peleton the entire race and with a little help could have forced a break. With the pack staying together, Cassaday was able to get a nice gap coming out of the second corner and held on for a nice win. Evan was able to avoid the pile up in the same corner that took Delperdang out and had to work hard to take the silver at the finish line.

Men Category 4
1 Derek Cassaday - Double I Cycling Experience (DICE) gold
2 Evan Peterson - North Iowa Spin gold
3 Brian Abbott - gold

Masters 40+
1 Steve Lauber - Colorbiotics gold
2 Gregory Harper - Harper's Cycling & Fitness gold
3 Christopher Eastburn - Hawkeye Bicycle Assoc gold
4 Scott Wall - Colorbiotics
6 Todd Gillihan - Team Skin
7 James Cochran - Atlas Cycling
8 Shawn Loomis - Colorbiotics
9 Bruce Grell - DICE
10 David Mable - Cycling Team
11 Colan Arnold - Des Moines Cycle Club
12 David Lippold - Cycling Team
13 Timothy Putnam - North Iowa Spin
14 Joe Mann -

1 Tom Eaton - Colorbiotics gold
2 Christopher Eastburn - Hawkeye Bicycle Assoc gold
3 Colan Arnold - Des Moines Cycle Club gold
4 Thomas Lambert - Bike Burlington
5 RIchard Pearson - Nebraska Medical Center
6 David Ertl - DMOS/Bike World Race Team
7 David Delperdang - North Iowa Spin
8 Richard Gilmore - Bike Tech Racing Club
9 Paul Black - DMOS/Bike World Race Team
10 Bruce Pesch - Colorbiotics
11 Randy Jones - Colorbiotics
12 Mark Linkser -

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