Thursday, August 28, 2008

Iowa State Time Trial Championships

The Iowa State Time Trial Championships were held August 10, 2008 in Nichols, IA. The Category 5 class was won by Don Maschka of the North Iowa Spin with a time of 58:45 (25.7mph). He was helped by his super domestique Sam Maschka who provided course evaluation and tactics, nutritional support and photographic documentation. The Championships were held on a very flat 40K out and back course on a cool day with just a slight head wind coming home. Maschka started out pushing the pedals in anger with a fast first 10K split of 13:30 into the bustling town of Conesville. At the 20K split his time was 28 minutes. Maschka buried himself up a small false flat and into a slight head wind as his time at the 30K mark was 43 minutes. He knew he had a good shot at breaking the sub-hour standard so he dug deep into his suitcase of courage. His finishing time of 58:45 was good enough for the Cat. 5 State Title.

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